Citric Acids

Citric Acid occurs widely in plants and animals as a common intermediate metabolite of the Krebs (citric acid) cycle in virtually all organisms. It is the acid responsible for the characteristic tartness of citrus and many other fruits. Formerly citric acid was extracted from lemon juice, but today the citric acid is obtained by microbial fermentation of a carbohydrate such as glucose syrup using a selected strain of micro-organism. Univar Solutions provides citric acid in granular, fine granular, powder or liquid form to food and other industries offering professional service at every touchpoint.
Citric Acid occurs widely in plants and animals as a common intermediate metabolite of the Krebs (citric acid) cycle in virtually all organisms. It is the acid responsible for the characteristic tartness of citrus and many other fruits. Formerly citric acid was extracted from lemon juice, but today the citric acid is obtained by microbial fermentation of a carbohydrate such as glucose syrup using a selected strain of micro-organism. Univar Solutions provides citric acid in granular, fine granular, powder or liquid form to food and other industries offering professional service at every touchpoint.
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